Sunday, March 20, 2011

Scenerio: Wombat Kombat

Wombat Kombat
Former Record Executive Norm Smith is starting a company that produces video games for children. The most recent game is called “Wombat Kombat”. He’s hired your entertainment marketing firm to help him think about digital strategy.  He explains the business Objective is to sell more versions of the Wombat Kombat game during the fourth quarter. To achieve this objective their Goal is to increase gift purchases of the game by offering a limited edition package that includes the game, a small box of chocolates, and a plush life-size Wombat. 

What would be a Key performance Indicator (KPI) for this campaign? Why?  
I think that one definite KPI for this campaign would be the demographic analysis of new and existing customers.  What are they searching for and purchasing?  What is their median age, and sex? Furthermore, is their reaction to “Wombat Kombat” positive, or are the extras just that enticing?

Norm knows social bookmarking is important for marketing, general business and personal use but no one has explained to him why. What would you say to him? 
Social Bookmarking is an important part of any PR campaign in my opinion, not only because it simply allows you to share important links or information with other users but also because it allows those users to create tags, and sort of  “build up” the importance of that link.  Sites like ranks its bookmarks and allows users to vote up or vote down links according to how useful, funny, etc the link is.  Point being, is a fantastic tool for anyone who is just trying to gain more exposure for their sites, links, or other web-content, and it is something that I think nearly everyone should familiarize themselves with.

While you’re on the topic of social media you explain that Tad also needs to think about a blog. Briefly explain how blogging can actually help SEO.
Blogging (although not often discussed) can actually be a very useful tool in SEO.  It can benefit you as a business in many ways, for one, blogs with a category feature may allow you to aggregate your content according to themes – thus making it easier to algorithmically categorize – and thus making it far more searchable and easy for search engines to understand – increasing your rankings.  Another useful option is the ability to set internal links.  By posting product or service related information within anchor text to product/service information pages deep within the website – this can be highly beneficial for ranking on long tail phrases. Lastly, I think one of the biggest benefits is your ability to post fresh content whenever you want.  Allowing your blog/site to be crawled more frequently thus allowing your newest content to become searchable, faster.

If you're writing content for the web there are some things you can do to make it more search engine friendly. Suggest three tips for making content more search-friendly.  
Well, as far as making your web-content more search engine friendly, the first thing I would suggest is something that I just had an “ah-ha!” moment with – and that is a little thing called the “text string” of an image, video, or other content.  Adding tags when embedding video, images, or flash content on your site with specific terms, keywords, or popular “search by” phrases can be extremely helpful in directing more traffic to your site and your content.  Another method is the creation of relevant “title tags.”  It’s important to note that a title tag is not visible text in the body of the page text, but rather the text that the browser uses to display in the title bar of the browser window.  Search engines use that tag as a key part of the algorithm used to determine what your page is about.  Lastly, another piece of advice that I found particularly useful was the elimination of seemingly duplicate content.  By duplicate content I mean pages on your site that are nearly identical to other pages on your site.  While this may not happen when using a website creation software often times it happens in blogs – blogging software may duplicate the same article or entry you wrote using two different URL’s.  Thus, people finding your site through a search for a particular article or subject, may find a URL that is not even associated with your site – which then only leads to the dilution of your link.  -- Katey Selix

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